Sunday, 21 October 2012




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If you have fallen into any problem upon your PC, you can share it. I am quite
sure that you must get some solution.

To go to the following web- site Please visit the following URL. Or click here.



Sunday, 14 October 2012


Just send a request to for a free sample and indicate the ‘TYPE’.
You will get a copy of sample Horoscope or Match Making Report for FREE.


e-mail. ADDRESS. 


In the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of 24 to 48 pages, containing comprehensive astrological information.

You can get this in your own language.

We are providing this Horoscope in 3 price range.

Type “A”: -
In this type of the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of near about 47 to 48 pages. For more detail description Please contact the bellow email.
PRICE: - Rs. 1000/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
Language available:- English, Hindi.

Type “B”:-
In this type of the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of near about 36 to 38 pages. For more detail description Please contact the bellow email.
PRICE: - Rs. 750/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
Language available: - English, Hindi, Bengali.

Type “C”: -
In this type of the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of near about 23 to 24 pages. For more detail description Please contact the bellow email.
PRICE: - Rs. 550/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
Language available: - English, Hindi, Bengali.

Our Match making report is one type: -
Type “A”: -
In the computer generated horoscope matching report, you will receive a file consisting of 6 pages, containing comprehensive astrological information about the compatibility of the horoscopes of the prospective bride & groom. For more detail description Please contact the bellow email.
PRICE: - Rs. 350/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
Language available: - English, Hindi, Bengali.

For JanmKundali matching or horoscope preparation, send following information.
Date of Birth
Place of Birth (City and/or the nearest big city, country, province)
Time of Birth (must maintain A.M. or P.M.)
For match making or you have to provide detail of both bride & groom.


In the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of 24 to 48 pages, containing comprehensive astrological information.

You can get this in your own language.

We are providing this Horoscope in 3 price range.

Type “A”: -
In this type of the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of near about 47 to 48 pages. For more detail description Please contact the bellow email.
PRICE: - Rs. 1000/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
Language available:- English, Hindi.

Type “B”:-
In this type of the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of near about 36 to 38 pages. For more detail description Please contact the bellow email.
PRICE: - Rs. 750/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
Language available: - English, Hindi, Bengali.

Type “C”: -
In this type of the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of near about 23 to 24 pages. For more detail description Please contact the bellow email.
PRICE: - Rs. 550/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
Language available: - English, Hindi, Bengali.

Our Match making report is one type: -
Type “A”: -
In the computer generated horoscope matching report, you will receive a file consisting of 6 pages, containing comprehensive astrological information about the compatibility of the horoscopes of the prospective bride & groom. For more detail description Please contact the bellow email.
PRICE: - Rs. 350/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
Language available: - English, Hindi, Bengali.

For JanmKundali matching or horoscope preparation, send following information.
Date of Birth
Place of Birth (City and/or the nearest big city, country, province)
Time of Birth (must maintain A.M. or P.M.)
For match making or you have to provide detail of both bride & groom.

Thursday, 6 September 2012


In the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of 24 to 48 pages, containing comprehensive astrological information.

You can get this in your own language.

We are providing this Horoscope in 3 price range.

Type “A”: -
In this type of the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of near about 47 to 48 pages. For more detail description Please contact the bellow email.
PRICE: - Rs. 1000/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
Language available:- English, Hindi.

Type “B”:-
In this type of the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of near about 36 to 38 pages. For more detail description Please contact the bellow email.
PRICE: - Rs. 750/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
Language available: - English, Hindi, Bengali.

Type “C”: -
In this type of the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of near about 23 to 24 pages. For more detail description Please contact the bellow email.
PRICE: - Rs. 550/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
Language available: - English, Hindi, Bengali.

Our Match making report is one type: -
Type “A”: -
In the computer generated horoscope matching report, you will receive a file consisting of 6 pages, containing comprehensive astrological information about the compatibility of the horoscopes of the prospective bride & groom. For more detail description Please contact the bellow email.
PRICE: - Rs. 350/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
Language available: - English, Hindi, Bengali.

For JanmKundali matching or horoscope preparation, send following information.
Date of Birth
Place of Birth (City and/or the nearest big city, country, province)
Time of Birth (must maintain A.M. or P.M.)
For match making or you have to provide detail of both bride & groom.

Term and condition: -
In case of payment only Indian money order, and a/c payee cheque is acceptable.

For payment in Indian Money Order: -
In case of money order you will get your delivery as soon as the M.O. Is received.
After sending your data in email you are providing a unique identification number which should be written in the money order from at ‘spaces for communication’.

For payment in cheque: -
In case of cheque payment the item is provide only after the cheque is clear by the bank.
In case of cheque all your detail you can provide written or printed on a paper and send in the same envelope with cheque. Or you can send your detail in email.
If you send your data in email then you are providing a unique identification number which should be in the envelope that the cheque contained in written format (not on the cheque).

Thursday, 30 August 2012


In the computer generated horoscope matching [JOTOK BICHAR] report, you will receive a PDF file consisting of  5 to 6 pages, containing comprehensive astrological information about the compatibility of the horoscopes of the prospective bride & groom:

Information provided are:
1. Birth Charts or Janma Kundlis of the boy and girl 
2. Manglik Dosh Compatibility 
3. Graha Maitri 
4. Dasa Sandhi Compatibility 
5. Rajju Dosh compatibility 
6. 2 page of result and prediction  etc. 
Languages Supported: English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu. 
Please mention your language preference in the special instructions field.Otherwise you get it in English.

Computer matching for selection of bride and groom:

Before computer matching of 36 Gunas in the following eight categories,
make sure you are familiar with bride/groom's health, education,
personality, character, family background, financial situation, temperament etc. then computer matching will be more meaningful and accurate, because Jyotish science is very complex.

 Category  Name  Maximum 
    1      varna    1   
    2      vashya   2   
    3      taaraa   3   
    4      yoni     4   
    5      rashi    5   
    6      gana     6   
    7      bhakut   7   
    8      naadi    8   

    Total points = 36

minimum acceptable points for a good match = 18 and above.
our basic donation-fee for matching a pair
of one boy and one girl is Rs. 200/- (postage extra)
[you can take e-copy,where no postage needed. Or you can get hard copy for 
Rs. 100 extra as carrier charge[WITHIN KOLKATA CIRCLE Rs. 80/-]. 

For JanmKundali matching or horoscope preparation, send following info.

DATE, PLace (City and/or the nearest big city, country, province) and 


Astrology is both an ancient metaphysical Vedic science and art. its hard to find a good professional asrtologer. There are many fake astrologers around as there is no requirement for certification of astrologers. be aware!!.our matching and other services are based on standard Jyotish computer program written and tested by experts on both astrology and computer and not on judgement call, still we or no human being can guarantee the accuracy of results. JanmKundali matching has been used by people from the time immemorial as an useful selection tool.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Storage of a computer

The largest unit of storage in a computer

Every unit of data is in bit form.
Bit = 1 bit
Nibble (Nybble) = 100 bits
Byte = 1000 bits
Kilobyte = 10,000 bits
Megabyte = 100,000 bits
Gigabyte = 1,000,000 bits
Terabyte = 10,000,000 bits
Petabyte = 100,000,000 bits
Exabyte = 1,000,000,000 bits
Zettabyte = 10,000,000,000 bits
Yottabyte = 100,000,000,000 bits
Kibibyte = 1,000,000,000,000 bits
Mebibyte = 10,000,000,000,000 bits
Gibibyte = 100,000,000,000,000 bits
Tebibyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000 bits
Pebibyte = 10,000,000,000,000,000 bits
Exbibyte = 100,000,000,000,000,000 bits
Zebibyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bits

Then, finally comes the all mighty Yobibyte, which is a whopping 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 bits of data.
Basically, if scaled down into human language it would be the information capacity of the observational universe.
Every bit of known knowledge EVER recorded, translated into EVERY language and coppied 10,000,000 times over.

You will NEVER need this much amount of space for ANYHING ever.

Hope this was helpfull.

Collected from Internet.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Difference in 404 and 410 error

404 errors are the HTTP response codes that every web developer will know and understand: Page not found. However, it may be interpreted by search engines as 'Page not found, but we'll check back some other time'. The 410 response is supposed to mean 'Page not found, permanently'; it's a web site's way of saying that the requested URL will never exist.

Whether search engines really bother to tell the difference between these two http statuses is unclear. For example, back in late 2011 Matt Cutts presented a webmaster video in which he 'will need to check with the crawl team' if they treat 404 and 410 errors differently. He's given no public response to that, as yet.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Hi friend did you download the game bubble shooter. If yes then i think you must try to win this game. And if you succeed then there is heart warming congratulation from myself, But if you try but you can not win the game then here is a solution Just go to the link and download the software, run setup, then launch the application and set the wall and the ball throwing point and set the bounce then start playing. I am sure you will win the game.

What is It?

GuideWire is a program that sits on top of any game and adds a laser-sight. The laser can be configured to bounce one or more times. It offers you maximum accuracy while not interfering with game play in any way.
Simple to Use
GuideWire has a simple interface: Drag the frame to move around. Drag the bottom-right corner to resize. This simple and familiar interaction allows you to align the laser targeting space with the game surface. Drag the translucent, red "source" ring to wherever you want the origin of the laser to be. The color and opacity of the frame and source ring can be adjusted as needed to assist with placement and use.

Once the overlay is in place, just begin playing your game as you normally would. GuideWire will automatically calculate and draw a configurable "laser guide" indicating the path an object will travel assuming straight flight and normal bouncing behavior.

Best of all: GuideWire doesn't interfere with game play at all. All of its parts are transparent, to allow for easy alignment. By definition, the frame defining the laser-targeting boundaries sits just outside the playing surface. And the laser side vanishes in the vicinity of the mouse, allowing all of your interactions to pass through to the underlying application.

Easy to Configure

GuideWire is easy to configure. The menu at the top allows you to choose any number of bounces from 0 (a straight line) to 8 (more than you are likely to ever need). You can also change the thickness of the laser beam. You can even configure its bounce behavior, having it reflect off of walls as a beam or a spherical object.

The direction of the laser can be reversed for games where you aim by placing the mouse behind an object to define its trajectory rather than in front of it. This comes in handy with pool and golf games.

The simple drag-and-drop interface lets you quickly and easily set GuideWire up to work with almost any game.

Once it's set up and you've started playing your game, you can practically forget about GuideWire - it looks like it's part of whatever game you are playing.
Highly Compatible

I've used GuideWire on many games with a lot of success. Basically, GuideWire will work with most games that involve an object flying in a straight line and bouncing off of walls.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Tally 9 ERP E-Book

      My friend want to learn Tally 9 Erp at home. It is the sortware that surely help you to easy accounting. Now a days this software is really good for easy accounting.
      Every accounting student is well known with Tally. And if you are not a accauntancy student still you can learn it free of cost. Just sent you EMail id and get the e-book to learn tally.
      If you are not abale to write you e-mail id the comment section then send a request to to this id bellow.
      You will surely get the e-copy of the Book.
      In subject write "REQURE TALLY 9 ERP EBOOK"

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


    Hello, Today I am going to share you a very important software. Yes Printer Re Setter Software. Some time you mustly need the software, may be after riffling or orther case like some time your printer says that your cartridge is empty but you surely know that your cartridge is not empty. then you must need to to reset your printer to show the cartridge is full. Because once printer says that your cartridge is empty you can not print anything though your cartridge have some ink to print that matter you wish to.
     But now no need to worry. Hares the solution. Just look at you RIGHT HAND SIGHT of the screen, search for your printer, click on it, AND ENJOY your home and office printing.
     Hope it will help you.
     Thank you my friend for visit.
     Have a good day.


     Hello, Today I am going to share you a very important software. Yes Printer Re Setter Software. Some time you mustly need the software, may be after riffling or orther case like some time your printer says that your cartridge is empty but you surely know that your cartridge is not empty. then you must need to to reset your printer to show the cartridge is full. Because once printer says that your cartridge is empty you can not print anything though your cartridge have some ink to print that matter you wish to.
     The Epson printer user, you already know about the problem that if your printer say one to the four cartridge is empty , assume the empty cartridge is Magenda, then you can not take a print in Black ink, though you have a ink full of Black. And if you are not ready to buy the cartridge but you need the print right now then you must need the software.
     But now no need to worry. Hares the solution. Just look at you RIGHT HAND SIGHT of the screen, search for your printer, click on it, AND ENJOY you home and office printing.
     Hope it will help you.
     Thank you my friend for visit.
     Have a good day.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

A Review on Epson T13

My experience with EPSON T13 is pretty good. I bought it about a month ago. I printed around 190 pages in black and around 50 coloured pages and 10 pieces of 4X6 coloured photo. After printing all these, the remaining ink level in the 3 coloured cartridges are around 50 to 60 %. And the black cartridge is almost empty. I am satisfied with the EPSON T13 printer

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


If you are playing the game for the first time then you may need the proper guide to play. You need to know where your emymy is. And i think self experimence is better than an walk through. So to experiment you must need this cheat file. Actually it is not a cheat file, it is a trainer. It have 5 hot key. just paste the file in the game directory.
c:\program file\igi2\pc
I mean where the igi.exe remain. Just pest there and play the game form that file by double cllicking the file.
And there you find three option.
Play, Exit, About
Go to about to see the hot key. press F12 to scroll down the about page.
to download the software from the god's mine.(on the top at your right hand corner).

Epson t 13 printer resetter software

Epson T13 Reset Software 

Finally resetter Epson T13 is available on internet. I found the resetter Epson T1100 on indoreset whereas resetter Epson T13 on mediafire uploaded by OrTHoTaMiNe. I’ve tried to run all software resetter on my computer and all waste ink pad rest utility not crash with antivirus installed on my computer (I use AVG) except resetter Epson T13. AVG antivirus detected Epson T13 resetter as Virus. Maybe it caused this software has cracked but I think it not problem, you can disable the antivirus protection on your computer when you want to use this software to reset your Epson printer. I use avast anti virus and it never say there is any virus. Trust me. To download the software go to the Epson t13 printer resetter from the god's mine.(on the top at your right hand corner).