In the
computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of 24 to 48
pages, containing comprehensive astrological information.
You can
get this in your own language.
We are
providing this Horoscope in 3 price range.
“A”: -
In this
type of the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of
near about 47 to 48 pages. For more detail description Please contact the
bellow email.
Rs. 1000/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
available:- English, Hindi.
In this
type of the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of
near about 36 to 38 pages. For more detail description Please contact the
bellow email.
Rs. 750/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
available: - English, Hindi, Bengali.
“C”: -
In this
type of the computer generated horoscope, you will receive a file consisting of
near about 23 to 24 pages. For more detail description Please contact the
bellow email.
Rs. 550/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
available: - English, Hindi, Bengali.
Match making report is one type: -
“A”: -
In the computer generated horoscope
matching report, you will receive a file consisting of 6 pages, containing
comprehensive astrological information about the compatibility of the
horoscopes of the prospective bride & groom. For more detail description Please contact the
bellow email.
Rs. 350/- + Postage Rs. 80/-.
available: - English, Hindi, Bengali.
JanmKundali matching or horoscope preparation, send following information.
Date of
Place of
Birth (City and/or the nearest big city, country, province)
Time of
Birth (must maintain A.M. or P.M.)
match making or you have to provide detail of both bride & groom.
Term and
condition: -
In case
of payment only Indian money order, and a/c payee cheque is acceptable.
payment in Indian Money Order: -
In case
of money order you will get your delivery as soon as the M.O. Is received.
sending your data in email you are providing a unique identification number
which should be written in the money order from at ‘spaces for communication’.
payment in cheque: -
In case
of cheque payment the item is provide only after the cheque is clear by the
In case
of cheque all your detail you can provide written or printed on a paper and
send in the same envelope with cheque. Or you can send your detail in email.
If you send your data in email then you are
providing a unique identification number which should be in the envelope that
the cheque contained in written format (not on the cheque).